Arbitrum STIP Marathon Written Recap

The RollupJuly 23, 2024, 7:54 PM

The Arbitrum Network State

Imagine Arbitrum as an exclusive club, not of wealth or privilege, but of ideas and innovation. The demand to enter this space is immense, mirroring the allure of an exclusive society where only the most forward-thinking and daring are granted entry. It's a testament to the allure and potential of this thriving community.

In the bustling corridors of Arbitrum, collaboration isn't just a buzzword; it's the lifeblood that fuels progress. It’s where minds converge to weave the fabric of composable and unified finance, crafting a decentralized narrative that's both empowering and revolutionary. Witnessing this development is akin to watching a decentralized organization come to life, a testament to the collective power of Arbitrum’s community.

STIPs inception marked a pivotal moment in Arbitrum’s history. It serves as an OPEN neon sign telling developers, entrepreneurs, and visionaries that Arbitrum is open for business; inviting all to partake in a grand venture of innovation and growth. By offering incentives, STIP galvanizes a movement of ecosystem unity that goes beyond individual ambitions. It’s about building something larger than one project- a decentralized ecosystem thriving on collaboration and mutual success.

Under STIPs umbrella, a culture of innovation, collaboration, and long-term vision flourishes and it becomes clear that the heart of Arbitrum is not in its code or its tokens, but in its people and culture the network has cultivated. This culture becomes the bedrock upon which future Arbinauts will build - a future defined by shared goals, mutual respect, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.
After our epic Arbitrum STIP marathon, we’ve put together some key takeaways below:

Key Project Takeaways


1. Ben is a network of university students that started back in 2014, focusing on creating companies, helping students get jobs, and facilitating their participation in conferences to meet co-founders and investors.

2. Ben partners with layer one protocols to connect them with developers and builders, emphasizing their role in creating educational content on YouTube and organizing events for the purpose of educating the community on various protocols and opportunities in the blockchain space.

3. Ben's representative, Eric, expressed his appreciation for the progress made by the Rollup and highlighted the collaborative journey they have had with Matt, indicating a long-standing relationship and shared experiences in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.


1. Lodestar Finance has introduced a native money market for Arbitrum, supporting blue chip assets, stablecoins, and Arbitrum native assets such as GMX, ARB token, and Magic, as well as yield-bearing assets like PLVGLP and RapStake.

2. The STIP grant was received to incentivize liquidity, and every depositor and borrower on Lodestar Finance receives a share of the STIP weekly through random snapshots taken during the week and airdropped at the end of each epoch.

3. The native token of Lodestar Finance is yield-bearing, distributing revenues from the protocols. There is also a staking multiplier for token holders who lock their tokens for three or six months.

4. Lodestar Finance has integrated the GOG, allowing token lockers to direct incentives to either the markets, borrow side, or supply side, similar to the curve model.

5. This integration has opened up various use cases, such as allowing users to vote for specific deposits and borrows to receive more incentives, creating interesting dynamics in the lending market.

6. For the first time, protocols, strategy employers, and liquidity providers can bribe Lodestar token holders to receive more incentives on the GOG, bringing a new level of innovation to the lending platform.


1. Silo implements risk isolation, creating multiple small money markets paired with the most trustworthy assets, such as Radiant (RDNT) token, Ethereum, and USDC on Arbitrum. This approach aims to prevent risk from one market being transferred to others in the event of exploitation or liquidity issues.

2. The design choice of risk isolation allows Silo to list complex derivatives without adding risk to all other pools, catering more towards complex derivatives and harder-to-liquidate assets.

3. Silo's STIP incentives are distributed through stake-less gauges, where users can deposit and earn rewards without staking. Currently, Silo is handing out a million ART tokens, and the team behind Radiant has also provided incentives.

4. Silo offers various isolated pools for different native tokens, each with different oracles and liquidities, depending on the depth of the token.

5. The yields on Silo vary depending on the asset, and the risk isolation means there is one USDC pool per asset, allowing for varying degrees of yield. Additionally, Silo has an integration with Pendle, offering a high yield pool, around 20 to 25% on stablecoins.

6. The approach of siloing the risk allows for the addition of more exotic assets to the market, enabling users to borrow against assets like Pendle and Plutus PLS, and facilitating more advanced strategies.

7. The risk isolation approach of Silo contrasts with Lotstar's approach, which is built off a compound fork and focuses on adding more advanced strategies by allowing users to shape available liquidity on the lending market through voting and directing incentives.


1. Jones Dao is a simple DeFi strategy protocol that aims to provide users with access to high-level DeFi strategies in a convenient and liquid manner.

2. The most successful strategies on Jones Dao have been built around GLP, with GLP yields experiencing an upturn after a period of lagging. JGLP applies automated leverage on top of GLP, and the price of GLP, being a liquid token, has been trending upward, making holders comfortable.

3. Jones Dao has a simple process for accessing STIP rewards. They received a 2 million ARB grant and have a farm on their DApp where users can deposit Jones strategies, JGLP, JOSTC, and wrapped J aura (which has been bridged over to Arbitrum) to earn additional ARB rewards.

Trader Joe

1. Trader Joe has implemented a unique approach to its STIP (Trader Joe's liquidity mining program) by using a phased approach to incentivize liquidity providers. This involves distributing tokens to liquidity providers in a concentrated and focused manner, with a few liquidity pools being targeted at a time. This approach aims to reduce the mental load for liquidity providers and help with the discovery of protocols on the platform.

2. The phased approach to Maker Incentives spans roughly a month, with different liquidity pools receiving different ARB tokens attached to them. This strategy allows for a more concentrated and focused distribution of incentives, making it easier for liquidity providers to engage with the platform.

3. Trader Joe is also focused on collaborating with new tokens and protocols entering the ecosystem on Arbitrum. They aim to allocate rewards towards brand new tokens and their liquidity pools, encouraging builders to bring liquidity to the platform and support the growth of new tokens, such as Opulus, a token deploying from Algorand related to the music industry.

4. Trader Joe's STIP program involves two key forms of incentivization. The first is autopause, where 1.5 million tokens are distributed to liquidity providers, with a significant portion going into auto pools, an automated liquidity manager similar to gamma strategies. The second form of incentivization is the Maker Incentive Program, where liquidity providers compete against each other to earn more fees and rank higher in leaderboards for each independent liquidity pool.

5. The phased approach to Maker Incentives is designed to help with the discovery of protocols on the platform, reducing the mental load for liquidity providers and allowing them to focus on a few pools at a time. This approach is aimed at making it easier for liquidity providers to engage with the platform and earn rewards.

6. Trader Joe has announced its support for Opulus, a brand new token deploying from Algorand related to the music industry. This collaboration aims to grow Opulus' liquidity on Arbitrum through the use of ARB rewards, showcasing Trader Joe's commitment to supporting new protocols and tokens entering the ecosystem.


1. GMX is offering a substantial 12 million ARB incentive program, focusing on three main elements: liquidity incentives, trading incentives, and a grants program for projects building on GMX and integrating with the platform.

2. The liquidity incentives are aimed at incentivizing GM pools of GMX V2 on Arbitrum, with sizable ARB incentives on all GM pools, resulting in healthy APRs ranging from 30% to 70%.

3. The trading incentives have significantly reduced trading fees on GMX V2, making them comparable to VIP tiers on centralized exchanges like Binance and Bybit, which has attracted a significant volume of traders, with over 500,000 users and a weekly trading volume of around two and a half billion USD.

4. GMX has reserved about a million and a half of the ARB incentives for grants, receiving a strong response from 50 to 60 teams of builders proposing projects to integrate with GMX. About 16 or 17 proposals have been confirmed and accepted, with the remaining proposals under review.

5. The GMX team is excited about the potential of the accepted projects and expects a significant boost in development for these projects, leading to a flourishing DeFi ecosystem on Arbitrum.


1. Stella is a leverage yield protocol that allows users to borrow at 0% cost, with lenders making money from a portion of the borrower's profits after farming the position.

2. The STIPS program has had a significant impact on Stella, with the total value locked (TVL) tripling since the start of the program. Stella has also shipped new integrations with platforms like Pendle, PenPy, Trader Joe, and is soon to integrate with Silo.

3. The STIPS incentives were primarily directed towards bootstrapping lending side liquidity to match the borrow side demand, resulting in positive traction in terms of TVL.

4. The program has also brought the community closer, allowing Stella to engage with more teams on Arbitrum and integrate with platforms like Camelot V3, with plans to build on top of the Nitro pools created by Gamma.

5. Stella is working on Stella V2 and is excited to launch it in Q1 of the next year, indicating a continued focus on innovation and development within the protocol.


1. Sanko Game Corp operates Sanko, a social media and gaming platform on Arbitrum. Their recent launch, Sanko TV, is a streaming platform and social network where users can set up an account with a privy wallet to stream video, watch content, and interact with other users.

2. Sanko received 500k ARB from the STIP program, which is distributed based on user engagement metrics such as streaming, tipping other users, and interacting with profiles on SankoTV.

3. The community on SankoTV has been developing over the past month, with a diverse range of content including gaming, coding, and even a cooking show, creating a wholesome and engaging environment.

4. Sanko is working on updates for Sanko TV, including video on demand, and is interested in collaborating with native protocols for a live Gijen game show involving a trading challenge with 100x leverage, which would be broadcasted live for everyone to enjoy.

5. Sanko encourages users to log on to Sanko TV, have fun on the platform, and potentially build up ARB rewards through engagement.


1. Galxe is a growth platform designed to help engage with a global audience of users and manage and reward community members within an ecosystem.

2. They have secured a $500,000 ARB grant and are using it to distribute subsidies to participating protocols, with a focus on showcasing Arbitrum applications and onboarding users to the ecosystem.

3. Galxe's "Discover to Earn" protocol allows users to build their reputation and identity in the blockchain space, explore blockchain applications, and earn ARB tokens through various actions like depositing, staking, and swapping.

4. They have distributed close to 150,000 ARB tokens to users in the first round and are planning an upcoming holiday campaign to include the subsidy.

5. Galxe works with over 4,100 different partners to help them build long-term loyalty programs, identify loyal contributors, and build unique Web3 CRM through data touch points.

6. They are running an Arbitrum STIP program with various protocols, helping them power social growth and on-chain growth simultaneously.


1. Socket is building an interoperability protocol that enables smart contracts to send assets and data between different blockchain chains, aiming to create a more homogeneous experience for users and make the entire app more efficient in a multi-blockchain world.

2. They have an ecosystem of 100+ partners and have been working closely with Arbitrum since its launch, being grateful to be a part of and win the STP grant.

3. They plan to roll out the STP grant in the first or second week of January, with a focus on subsidizing the cost for users to onboard to Arbitrum, particularly by providing rebates for bridging fees to enable users from any chain to come onto Arbitrum.

4. Socket is also working to bring bridging experiences directly to other arbitrary orbit chains, allowing instant and zero-cost transfers from every chain to the new orbit chain.


1. TimeSwap is a fully decentralized lending and borrowing protocol designed on the principle of Uniswap, enabling users to engage in lending and borrowing at fixed maturity without using any oracles, thus safeguarding against potential oracle manipulations that have affected many lending markets targeting long-tail assets.

2. They have received the STIB grant for 200,000 ARB tokens as part of the STIB process, which has significantly boosted their protocol. Despite not having a token yet, the incentive has helped them scale and increase their total value locked (TVL) and volume, with a 6x increase in TVL and similar growth in volume over the last month.

3. TimeSwap has listed various tokens, including the ARP token, Stake Joe from Data Joe, the GM token for Solana from GMX, and Pendle, as collateral on their platform, and they are planning to launch with LIDO and other interesting LST protocols in the coming weeks.

4. The STIB program has brought together the community and led to new collaboration ideas, with exciting opportunities to earn yield on a variety of assets, and they are looking forward to continuing the distribution of rewards in the coming weeks and months.


1. Collaboration with TimeSwap: Woofi has been working with TimeSwap to explore new utility for Woofi and LP tokens on Arbitrum, which has been beneficial for Woofi yield farmers on Arbitrum.

2. Comprehensive report: Woofi recently published a 17-page comprehensive report on everything that's happened in the Woofi ecosystem this year, highlighting both centralized and decentralized exchanges.

3. STIP incentives: Despite initial setbacks, Woofi is now set to receive one million ARB tokens through the STIP proposal, which will be distributed through various means, including different volts on Arbitrum.

4. Woofi Pro: Woofi Pro, a new perps platform launched about a month ago, will offer rewards for new users, including a lucky draw for depositors and trade mining incentives.

5. Woofi's stake: 80% of Woofi's swap fees are being shared as real yield for people who stake the WU token, with plans to inject 200,000 ARB over three months to potentially increase yields to 15%.

6. Incentives for integration: Woofi has allocated tokens for quests and for builders who want to integrate Woofi's widget, a white label tool for protocols to incorporate a swap feature.

7. Bringing users from C-Fi to DeFi: Woofi aims to bring users from centralized finance (C-Fi) into decentralized finance (DeFi), leveraging its existing user base from the centralized exchange to potentially migrate many users to Arbitrum.

8. Collaboration with Galaxy


1. Savvy played a significant role in the STIP backfunding idea, which was surprising to some given their relative newness to the community.

2. Savvy conducted extensive research and put together a compelling application for the STIP backfunding. They engaged with delegates, analyzed data, and identified issues with the funding process.

3. Savvy discovered discrepancies in the budgeting process and the ranking mechanism used to determine which protocols received funding, particularly how it excluded many small protocols from receiving funding.

4. Savvy framed the rationale for the STIP backfunding proposal around inclusiveness, highlighting the blind spot in the data sample and how it aligned with the values of the Arbitrum DAO to support protocols at all stages of their lifecycle.

5. They engaged in the protocol side to pitch their case and secure votes within the DAO, ultimately leading to the successful passing of the back fund.

6. Savvy has been involved in discussions about the long-term incentive program, with a focus on creating a program that benefits all protocols that have not yet been funded.

7. The organization is committed to using the grant funds to increase voting power and support the long-term vision of the protocols they are involved with, as well as incentivizing liquidity providers on their platform.


1. Premia is described as an options protocol on Arbitrum, offering users the ability to engage in options trading within the ecosystem.

2. Premia has received a 900K Arbitrum grant, which has been allocated for various activities, including incentivizing different underwriter vaults for both put and call options, range order incentives, and partner incentives for those launching vaults or pools on the platform.

3. Premia is currently running a "blue season" with a trading competition offering 100K in prizes over eight weeks. This approach aims to encourage participation by breaking up the competition into different events, making it more inclusive and accessible to a wider range of traders.

4. Premia has a dedicated academy at, providing educational resources for those interested in learning about options trading, regardless of the platform they prefer to trade on.

5. Premia's vaults offer competitive rates, particularly on assets like Solana, and encourages users to explore the opportunities available on the platform.


1. MUX is an aggregator of decentralized perpetual swaps, integrating with GMX V1 and V2, GAINS, and having its MUX native pool to route positions to different liquidity sources for optimized trading costs.

2. MUX has around $500 million in liquidity by integrating with different protocols and provides diverse market options for traders.

3. They offer leverage boosting, enabling up to 100 times leverage for integrated protocols, with plans to launch leverage boosting for GMX V2 and more in the future.

4. MUX received about six million ARP in the STIP grant, which is allocated to the trading side to rebate open and closing fees for traders, making trading nearly fee-free to attract users.

5. Since the grant started, MUX has generated $3.8 billion in trading volume and $2.8 million in fees, witnessing tremendous growth.

6. They haven't allocated any incentives to the liquidity side yet, believing that more trading volume and fees generated will boost the yield for liquidity providers.

7. The APR for MUX's native token is around 66%, with more than 100% yield for VE holders, generated by the trading volume and fees, creating a positive loop for stakeholders.


1. Since the launch of the STIP program, Dolomite has experienced significant growth, with over a 200-250% increase in TVL and increased borrowing activity on the platform.

2. Dolomite created a program called OARB, where they distribute OARB tokens weekly based on the amount of liquidity deposited in the protocol, aligning the incentives of the Arbitrum DAO with the growth and liquidity providers.

3. They have a system called Dolomite XP or Community XP, which rewards active community members with experience points, allowing users to accelerate the vesting process if they are a Dolomite level 4 user or above.

4. Dolomite is a next-generation lending protocol with an innovative virtual liquidity system, allowing users to retain their "DeFi data rights" while borrowing against their assets, enabling them to continue voting, escrowing, staking, and claiming.

5. Dolomite serves as a DeFi hub, unlocking roadblocks in the DeFi ecosystem, integrating altcoins like Radiant, Jones, and Premiere into the platform, allowing users to borrow against them and use the Zap feature for one-click leverage, hedge, or loop positions.

6. Dolomite actively pursues opportunities to add value to other ecosystems, unlocking new capabilities for their communities and supporting exotic collateral types.


1. Perennial is a true swap protocol live on Arbitrum since the start of the year, with a focus on providing leverage for liquidity providers and high leverage up to 100x for multi-collateral vaults.

2. They have been working with partners like Gauntlet to balance open interests on the platform and have seen significant liquidity growth, with up to 19 million liquidity on the protocol in V2.

3. The STIP has been instrumental in growing liquidity on the platform, and they have seen steady volume growth, averaging around 23 million over the past few weeks.

4. Perennial has been successful in reducing LP risk over time and has introduced features such as time-weighted open interest rewards and specific LP rewards for coming into the protocol with leverage, making the system more capital efficient.

5. They have launched about nine markets and are constantly looking for community feedback on what the next market should be, with plans to add commodities and NFT markets in the future.

6. Perennial is also working on a v2.1 upgrade, introducing commodities and NFT markets, collaborating with partners to launch new user interfaces on top of Perennial, and adding more assets to their passive LP vaults.


1. Thales received a CIP through the backfunding programs, obtaining half a million ARB tokens, which will be used for various incentives and fee rebates.

2. They plan to introduce a usage proposal, allocating 140,000 ARB over 14 weeks for direct usage incentives, including global trading volume incentives and incentives for discount buyers to balance the AMM.

3. Thales will earmark 200,000 ARB, about 20,000 per week for 10 weeks, to pay for fee rebates, aiming to lower everyone's fees on both Thales Market and their sports market product, Overtime, exclusively on Arbitrum.

4. They will allocate 160,000 ARB tokens for trading competitions, focusing on trading activity on specific groups of markets, such as sports tournaments and playoffs, including NFL playoffs and Super Bowl, with plans for incentives during basketball and March Madness.

5. Thales aims to provide incentives for users on both Thales Market and Overtime, exclusively on Arbitrum, creating an engaging and rewarding experience for the community.


1. StakeDAO was granted 200,000 ARP tokens to develop the Curve ecosystem on Arbitrum, aiming to make the SdCRV liquid staking derivative, currently available only on Mainnet, accessible on Arbitrum. This will allow users on Arbitrum to benefit from locking CRV without suffering the gas costs of going to the mainnet.

2. The grant will also be used to develop the depth of Curve's liquidity pool on Arbitrum, aiming to provide the best execution for trades of stablecoins through Curve Stable Subcontracts.

3. StakeDAO expressed excitement about the opportunity to bring their products, such as the Curve StableSwap pools and StakeDAO Liquid Lockers, to Arbitrum, acknowledging the challenges of being a non-native project on a new chain but expressing confidence in the fit of their products within the Arbitrum ecosystem.


1. Focus on concentrated liquidity DEXs.

2. Successful backfunding and gratitude towards partners and the community.

3. Emphasis on a permissionless and simplified protocol for creating and adding funds to strategies.

4. Integration with various DEXs, including Camelot, Ramses, and PancakeSwap v3.

5. First position mazers to go live on Arbitrum.

6. Plan to distribute over 50% of received tokens to new projects and tokens for efficient token management.

7. Rewarding new strategy managers for creating efficient strategies for ecosystem growth.


1. Buffer specializes in short-term exotic options and has recently launched Perps.

2. They are looking forward to benefiting from STIB incentives in round two.

3. Buffer has a partnership with Perennial, which offers counterparty liquidity for their perps and provides a 200% fee rebate on trades made through the Buffer platform.
4. They are also partnered with Camelot, which is running incentive campaigns for Nitro pools, and Buffer is a long-term partner and roundtable member.

5. Buffer is excited about future rounds of STIP incentives and plans to use them for various purposes, such as sponsoring tournaments and offering jackpot systems.

6. They plan to use incentives for various purposes, including sponsoring tournaments and offering a jackpot system, which is in its final testing phase.

7. Buffer is enthusiastic about the potential of live streaming trading competitions and plans to explore opportunities for hosting or broadcasting tournaments.

Castle Cap

1. Castle Cap was a recipient of a grant from Arbitrum and has been actively involved in research and governance within the DAO.

2. They see the STIP as a significant opportunity to contribute to the DAO and have been actively engaging in the governance process, providing research and recommendations to improve proposals.

3. Castle Cap has been involved in extensive research, providing feedback to around 60 protocols, with approximately 35 projects engaging with them on the forum.

4. They successfully influenced 21 projects to update their proposals and 14 to lower their requests, resulting in a reduction of about 12.5 million ARB.

5. The organization is focused on contributing to the DAO's growth and development, aiming to educate and ensure the allocation of capital for the ecosystem's advancement.

6. They are actively involved in the Arbitrum research and development collective and vendor onboarding, and are looking forward to collaborating on research and educational initiatives in the future.

7. Castle Cap aims to shine a spotlight on protocols that are building and finding their core product before launching a token, respecting their efforts to achieve product-market fit and user base.


1. The platform's functionality to distribute access to advanced targeting, allowing protocols to reward specific subsets of users or addresses, creating interesting and strong campaigns.

2. The Quest Terminal, an easy-to-use interface for creating quests, where users can select on-chain actions to incentivize, choose the target audience for rewards, and set up the rewards themselves.

3. The platform's role as one of the front ends where end users can discover and participate in quests, with hundreds of thousands of users currently engaging with the protocol.

4. The allocation of $1 million ARB through the Quest protocol to users for accomplishing tasks on-chain, providing an opportunity for users to engage with the ecosystem at large.

5. The opportunity for projects on Arbitrum to apply for funding through a quick internal review process, with a focus on long-term usage rather than speculative growth.

6. The availability of quests for end users to engage with and discover on, including collaborations with other projects such as GMX.


1. MozaicFi's active participation in the Arbitrum ecosystem, particularly in the options space, and their collaboration with other protocols.

2. Their focus on increasing options trading volumes on-chain and bringing new traders into the ecosystem.

3. The success of their goals during the STIP program, including achieving significant options trading volumes and fostering collaboration within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

4. MozaicFi's successful achievement of their goal to execute 2,000 contracts per week, demonstrating their ability to meet their targets within the STIP program.

5. The significant increase in options trading volumes on-chain, with a reported volume of 2.5 million in a single day, indicating the platform's traction and impact within the ecosystem.

6. The emphasis on collaboration with other protocols within the Arbitrum ecosystem, showcasing MozaicFi's proactive approach to working with other projects to enhance the overall DeFi options space.

Notional Finance

1. Notional Finance is a relatively new participant in the Arbitrum ecosystem, having launched on Arbitrum about six weeks ago.

2. The platform has already accumulated around $3 million in debt, indicating early success and adoption within the Arbitrum network.

3. Notional Finance is enthusiastic about the STIP (Strategic Initiatives Program) and sees it as an opportunity to further increase its presence and offerings on Arbitrum.

4. The co-founder of Notional Finance expresses a positive impression of the Arbitrum ecosystem, highlighting the collaborative and welcoming nature of the community and the decentralized governance model.

5. Notional Finance plans to bring over integrations with platforms like Balancer and Curve from Mainnet to Arbitrum, and is also considering running a special trading or yield contest as part of its STIP program to incentivize engagement with its protocol.

6. There is an eagerness to collaborate with other protocols on Arbitrum, potentially through shared contests in the future, showcasing a commitment to further engagement and collaboration within the ecosystem.


1. Dopex is actively involved in the Arbitrum ecosystem, focusing on on-chain options and incentivizing liquidity providers (LPs) with their tokens for different option markets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Arbitrum.

2. The platform has seen success with its incentivized LP program, with high utilization rates ranging from 60% to 80%, depending on daily volatility.

3. Dopex plans to incentivize its suite of B2 products, including the RDX B2 token, and implement a rate system in the long term.

4. The platform is actively participating in the STIP program to engage with other DeFi protocols, discuss various topics, and stay informed about projects within the ecosystem.

5. Cassio, representing Dopex, has been actively involved as a delegate, closely monitoring the forums and engaging with the community to understand the needs and interests of users within the operational ecosystem.


1. Gamma has been actively integrating with major DEXs on Arbitrum, such as Camelot, Uniswap, Ramsey's, Sushi, and Pancake, and managing concentrated liquidity ranges.

2. Arbitrum has become Gamma's largest network by TVL, indicating significant success and adoption within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

3. Gamma is working on more native integrations with Camelot, including the ability to manage LP tokens to SPNFGs through the Gamma front end and the Camelot front end.

4. They are also developing analytics for Camelot and enhancing their data analytics capabilities, allowing users to see different rewarder types like SKNFTs, Nitro pools, and Eagle Merkle on the rewards analytics page.

5. Gamma is planning a GMX V2 integration to utilize perps for long and short positions and hedge out impermanent loss on their LP position, demonstrating their commitment to ongoing development and innovation.

FORE protocol

1. The recent launch of FORE Protocol on Arbitrum and the introduction of FOREpredict, a peer-to-peer prediction market allowing users to create and participate in user-generated prediction markets using the FOREtoken.

2. The successful main net launch on Arbitrum, with the FORE/USDT pair and the platform's increasing traction.

3. The platform's focus on transparency and user engagement, with examples of user-generated prediction markets and the involvement of content creators, such as YouTubers, in creating prediction markets to engage their communities.

4. The interest in collaborating with other projects and founders in the ecosystem to explore potential partnerships and integrations, as well as the openness to connecting with others interested in prediction markets and partnerships.

5. The platform's emphasis on decentralization and security, allowing users to express their perspectives and opinions about future events in a secure and decentralized manner on the blockchain.

6. The diverse range of user-generated prediction markets, from predicting flight delays to the price of Bitcoin, showcasing the versatility and engagement potential of FOREpredict.

7. The platform's ability to incentivize user participation through rewards, as seen in the example of a user earning a substantial reward for creating a popular prediction market about flight delays.


1. Umami's focus on creating a user-friendly interface with features such as a slider to adjust duration and discount rates, making it easier for users to understand and calculate APR.

2. The platform's success in reaching and engaging thousands of new users, leading to increased deposits and engagement.

3. Umami's dedication to auditing and progress tracking, with a goal to release new products before the end of the STIP program.

4. The benefits of GM volts versus GLP volts, including more balanced liquid e-pools and a more stable and predictable APR.

5. Umami's strategy for limiting the amount of loans in shorts and creating an easier way for depositors to understand the GM pools and their returns.

6. The attractive APY rates offered by Umami, such as 163% on USDC, 144% on wrapped Ethereum, and 115% on wrapped Bitcoin.

7. Umami's emphasis on providing a safe and effective strategy for limiting the amount of loans in shorts, ensuring the security and stability of the platform for depositors.

8. The platform's commitment to simplifying the user experience by allowing depositors to easily understand their exposure to each token within the pool, making it more accessible and user-friendly.

9. The successful launch of boosted pools, offering attractive APY rates and engaging thousands of new users, indicating the platform's growing popularity and appeal within the DeFi community.

10. The platform's cautious approach to managing capital and testing new features before full deployment, reflecting a focus on stability and responsible growth within the DeFi space.


1. Rodeo is a native Arbitrum protocol aiming to be a leverage hub for the Arbitrum ecosystem.

2. It integrates with various protocols to provide different yield farming opportunities through its products.

3. It offers leverage yield farming on various yield farms, such as Jones, J USDC, Camelot pools, Pendle liquidity pools, Sushi, and Plutus, with plans to introduce GM pools in the near future.

4. Rodeo is developing structured vaults that allow integration with more DeFi protocols and unique strategies for earning yield within the ecosystem.

5. It is launching Alamo, which allows the acceptance of different LST tokens as collateral, enabling users to maintain exposure to the asset and leverage against it to deposit in different farms.

6. Rodeo is part of the backfill group and will receive 250,000 ARB from the Arbitrum Foundation, as well as part of the GMX grant.

7. The focus is on increasing TVL and usage on Rodeo, with incentives aimed at competing with other lending yields and providing better yield opportunities on its farms.

8. Rodeo is open to partnerships and conversations with those interested in leverage or yield strategies within the Arbitrum ecosystem.


1. Radiant is the leading cross-chain money market and has introduced a new airdrop for people providing liquidity to the Radiant protocol.

2. The introduction of Dynamic Liquidity Provisioning (DLP) in Radiant V2, which allows users to receive boosts in yield, Radiant emissions, and governance based on their DLP token holdings.

3. The allocation of ARP tokens to various protocols such as Camelot V3, Plutus, and Silo, showcasing Radiant's focus on collaboration and synergies within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

4. The upcoming launch of isolated markets with V3, which will include more than a hundred new assets, demonstrating Radiant's commitment to innovation and expansion.

In so far as shedding light on Arbitrum’s process, culture, and methodology, the STIP Marathon was massively successful. We were able to learn collectively about the opportunities coordinated by the Arbitrum contributors. Thousands of people got STIP-pilled, and project panels were able to share learnings about STIP application and distribution. These findings are critical to improve STIP as more rounds of Arbitrum incentives develop.

Thank you to all listeners, participants, and enjoyers of STIP Marathon, and most importantly thank you Arbitrum DAO for continuous support and energy.