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Embracing the expansion of new chains and rollups with permissionless interop gmodular, coming at you from from Modular Day in Denver. In today’s in person interview, we’re taking a straightforward look at Hyperlane, focusing on its role in the upcoming “modular expansion” and how permissionless interoperability plays a major role. Andy sits down with Jon [...]

A warm welcome to a month-long virtual education experience. gmodular, Andy here on this end. After ETHDenver, I can confidently say we are on the cusp of an explosion in the modular ecosystem. If you’re new here, you are in for a treat. If you’ve been a loyal part of our community then you might [...]

Taiko’s Blueprint for an Accessible Crypto World High Rollers: Welcome to ETHDenver! Today we’re diving deep into Taiko’s vision of scaling Ethereum. At the heart of Taiko lies a commitment to building a diverse and interoperable ecosystem. A place where crypto developers find a sandbox to build awesome applications. In today’s live interview from Denver, [...]

Ease into the Future of Crypto: Unlocking Interoperability with Axelar High Rollers: In today’s spotlight, we’re peeling back the layers of complexity to reveal how Axelar is creating a network for new token launches. We speak with Jason, head of DeFi at Axelar, about their recent launch of the Interchain Token Standard (ITS), seamless user [...]

Unveiling The Modular Liquidity Layer High Rollers: To start this week off, we’re diving into the fascinating modular world (what a surprise!) with an interview with Jake Kim, founder of an up and coming project in the liquidity/interoperability space, Mitosis! If you’ve ever used Hyperlane’s nexus bridge, then you’ve interacted with Mitosis underneath. Mitosis is [...]

Leveraged Eigenlayerrestaking High Rollers: Restaking has DOMINATED the crypto narrative mindshare recently. For good reason, the innovations brought to the space by Eigenlayer are nothing to shake your head at. In today’s video, we explore Gearbox V3 and why it’s catching the attention of DeFi enthusiasts, builders, and power users alike. Gearbox V3 has rolled [...]

Introducing A New Approach to Rollup OS High Rollers: If you’ve been following us for the last few months, you know we are bullish on modular rollups. Utilizing alternative virtual machines (altVMs), modular rollups are able to scale much more efficiently. Fuel Network is pushing the agenda for the modular rollup space with their “Rollup [...]

The Future of Gaming: How blockchain is changing the gaming industry one block at a time High Rollers: Happy Monday! I’m sure you’ve heard that crypto gaming is coming and its going to be huge, only to struggle finding games onchain. This changes in 2024. This is the year of crypto gaming. Today, Rob and [...]

Exploring Taiko’s Katla Testnet and Ecosystem High Rollers: Happy Friday! With the recent launch of Starknet & $STRK, it seems like the zkRollup space is getting some serious traction in terms of new launches and excitment. As part of our zkEVM for Dummies series with Taiko, we are exploring the most recent & final Katla [...]

A Chill Dive into Initia’s Modular Approach, Layer Solutions, and User-Centric Focus High Rollers: Welcome the Modular Rollup future! We believe that rollups utilizing alternative virtual machines (altVMs) and alternative data availability (altDA) solutions will scale significantly faster than those who do not. While this has become a thesis of ours recently, we are still [...]