
How Modular Rollups and RaaS are Ushering in a New Era of Cost-Effective, App-Specific Chains High Rollers: The blockchain space is on the brink of a revolution, with modular rollup ‘stacks’ simplifying the launch of new chains as easily as creating an ERC20 token. This innovation heralds a new era of cost-effective, customizable blockchain solutions, [...]

Exploring the Potential Upside of AltVMs and the Shift Away from Ethereum Maximalism High Rollers: As an Ethereum maximalist, I now find myself drawn towards the potential of modular blockchains and alternative virtual machines (altVMs). This shift, I believe, is not just a trend but a significant step forward in the evolution of blockchain technology, [...]

Tech Stacks and Trade-offs: Insights from Devconnect’s L2 Panel Discussion High Rollers: The recent Devconnect panel on Rollups, Validiums, and Optimiums provided a wealth of insights and hot takes. Moderated by Prabal Banerjee of Avail Project, the panel featured key figures from Mantle Network, Astar Network, Cometh, Manta Network, and Automata. From the choice of [...]

Exploring Layer Two Security and Data Availability High Rollers: Dive into the intricate world of blockchain security with this recap of the Hyperlane and Celestia Modular Day panel at EFDevconnect. The panel, featuring Kydo of Eigen Layer, Juno Rouse of Chain Light, and Rushi Manche of Movement Labs, delved into the complexities of layer two [...]

Ethereum Scaling for Dummies Series

Scaling for Dummies, your go-to educational series for understanding the intricate world of scaling solutions in cryptocurrency. High Rollers: Welcome to Scaling for Dummies, your go-to educational series for understanding the intricate world of scaling solutions in cryptocurrency. This series is designed to break down complex scaling concepts into simple, digestible definitions, making it the [...]

Insights and Highlights from DevConnect 2023

Modular Blockchains, Scaling, and User Onboarding. An overview of the teams and talents shaping the crypto landscape at EFDevconnect. High Rollers: As crypto and DeFi keep on evolving, our focus intensifies on modular blockchains, scaling, interoperability, and user onboarding. This week’s deep dive into alpha at Devconnect has solidified our commitment to invest in modular [...]

DevConnect Istanbul 2023: L2DAYS Panel

 A lively discussion on the evolution, challenges, and diversity of zkEVMs in the Ethereum ecosystem. High Rollers: At the recent DevConnect Istanbul conference, an engaging panel of experts convened at the L2DAYS event to explore the future of zkEVMs (Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machines) and their impact on the Ethereum ecosystem. The lively discussion, moderated by [...]

Account Abstraction and the Future of DeFi UX: Insights from DevConnect Istanbul High Rollers: Dive deep into this comprehensive recap of the Use-Cases and Applications in an Abstracted World panel, with discussions about the role of account abstraction (AA) in improving user experience (UX) in DeFi apps. Panelists also debated the importance of catering to [...]

📚 Perpetual DEXs: Pioneering the DeFi Frontier w/ Vertex

Unleashing the Potential of Decentralized Perpetual Markets High Rollers: Perpetual DEXs are rapidly carving out a significant niche in DeFi, offering a compelling alternative to the centralized giants that once monopolized the market. Amidst regulatory crackdowns and growing demand for transparency, these decentralized platforms are not just gaining traction—they’re defining a new standard for financial [...]

📚 The Rise of Distributed Validator Technology

Breaking Down the Barriers: How DVT is Making Ethereum Accessible to All High Rollers: The world of crypto has often been criticized for its high barriers to entry, particularly when it comes to becoming a validator on the Ethereum network. With the current cost of thirty-two ETH (Ethereum) – a sum that is out of [...]